Lawn Care Libraries
Use our Lawn Care Library to learn about the different weeds, pests, and diseases you might find infiltrating your lawn.

Lawn Weed Library
Weeds get in the way of achieving a carpet-like turf and neatly kept flower beds. Appearing in a number of forms, different weeds require different treatments, so it’s critical to know what you’re dealing with before treating the plant that’s invading your lawn. View the weed profiles below to learn more about broadleaf weeds, grasses, and other specific weed types that affect lawns throughout South-Central Pennsylvania.
Identify Lawn WeedsInsect Library
From grubs to ticks and bagworms to spotted lanternflies, there are plenty of unwelcomed insects invading lawns throughout South-Central Pennsylvania. We’ve created a library to help you determine what’s plaguing your space. Use these guides to learn more about the pests, if there are any safety concerns, and how to kick them out of your home, yard, and garden.
Identify InsectsLawn Disease Library
Diagnosing the disease infecting your lawn is the first step in getting your grass healthy again. From snow mold to fairy ring, we’ve created a library to help you learn about lawn diseases in South-Central Pennsylvania and how to prevent and treat them. Use these guides to figure out what is affecting your turf.
Identify Lawn Diseases